Week 8: A Windows Compatible Cwltool

GSOC’17 Eighth Week: 16 June 2017- 23 July 2017 This week we merged our windows compatibility branch. And with that cwltool is officially windows compatible. Here is the final PR. There were some minor changes like better formatting and improving...

Week 5-6: A combined Blog

GSOC’17 Fifth and Sixth Week: 26 June 2017- 09 July 2017 This is a combined blog for last two weeks so this is going to be a little longer than usual. So In the past two weeks I worked on...

Week 4: A Long Week

GSOC’17 Fourth Week: 19 June 2017- 25 June 2017 This week I started work on docker support on Windows platform. As CommandLineTool that implement a functionality like ShellCommandRequirement we would be using docker container for such Tools/workflows. There were little...

Week 3: A Good Week

GSOC’17 Third Week: 12 June 2017- 18 June 2017 This week we passed all cwltool’s test on Windows Operating System(Good News!). here is the Pull Request. I started my week with remaining issues that I was facing in ensuring windows...

Week 2: A Roller Coaster Ride!!

GSOC’17 Second Week: 5 June 2017- 11 June 2017 This week I worked on windows compatibility for cwltool. In first few days I documented roadblocks in windows compatibility and tried to find their solution. Initially some of the issues that...