GSOC’18 Coding Period Week 5 & 6: 10 June 2018- 23 June 2018
In last two weeks we worked on improving and modifying our current libbrary.
We uploaded a conda recipe for libNeuroML library as we are using it in our nmlimport library. Here is the corresponding PR. This PR got merged this week and now we have a conda-recipe for libNeuroML. Next we modified our test script that better suits our needs now.
Later we added support for importing SegmentGroup information from .nml file. Each segmentGroup is a collection of segments, represented by their segment ids. A mapping was done between segment ids specified in neuroml file and the ids those segments got when they are imported in Brian. Here is the corresponding commit.
Then we modified our current implementation of morphology extraction and now we generate a sectionTree of all the segments and then create morphology through it. This step allows us to to create section of segments and work with fractionAlong value of 0. See this commit.
Later we decided to move all our current implemention to a class so that we can store the current state of object and need not process the files again and again to retrieve same values. Now each .nml files create a object that have all the necessary values precomputed.
Next week I would be working on code cleaning, writing documentation and generating a user guide on sphinx for our users describing the use of our library.
Keep Coding!!