Week 2: Coding Period!!

by Kapil Kumar — on


GSOC’18 Coding Period Week: 19 May 2018- 25 May 2018

Continuing the last week’s progress, I worked on nmlimport library that allow us to import morphologies from a .nml file.

This week I pushed my current progress onto brian2tools repository. Here is the corresponding PR. Currently it is WIP as we still need some more functionality and test suite for our library. We added logs and commnents explaining the functionality.

As we are using libNeuroML library, there were certain scope of improvement, so I made a PR to libNeuroML library adding little functionality and removing syntax causing warning in Python 3.

In my weekly hangout meeting with my mentor, we discussed about project progress and what we will be doing next week. Next week I will be adding test suite, docstrings and will format code according to PEP 8 recommendation.

Keep Coding!!
